Submit a Resource

The Conscious Citizens is a community-forward effort first and foremost. The internet is a huge place with a wealth of information being added everyday, but our 2-person team can only see so much from our corner of the world.

In order to create the best and most approachable directory of the Internet's most valuable political education & community care resources, we need your help! If you know of a resource, tool, or piece of education that you think should be included in this Directory, please use the form below to submit it:

We do not guarantee that every submission will ultimately be included, but we will review all submissions in the order that they are submitted.

Here are some general criteria for strong potential resources. Not every resource has to have all these qualities, but these are some good rules-of-thumb:

  • Human-made (not generated by AI)
  • The information is easy to understand, and includes language that is simple and clear for non-experts
  • Well-sourced or vetted by trusted individuals/organizations
  • Contains Indigenous or Global Majority perspectives left out of the mainstream
  • Fills in gaps left by our education systems
  • Provides practical information or tools for cultivating more community-centric lifestyles that are less reliant on capitalist structures
  • Promotes community safety and inclusivity

The Conscious Citizens

A directory, bi-weekly newsletter and online global community dedicated to building collective consciousness and community power. Sign up to get access and stay in touch.

The Conscious Citizens

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