Movement Wins

Notable movement wins we've been keeping track of since our 1st Dispatch, collated here to remind you of our collective progress and power.

November 2024

Trump Resistance Begins with Over 100 Progressive Groups Meeting the Day After Elections
Why It Matters: It’s easy to feel defeated after election night, but it’s important to remember that this is just one battle in a long war. This is a good reminder that the work is happening, they just need our support.
India and China put aside their border dispute in favor of greater cooperation
Why it Matters: Indian and Chinese relations crumbled in 2020 after the Galwan incident in the Himalayan region along the “Line of Action Control.” This border dispute has been going on for decades but recently both countries have agreed to remove troops. This is an important step in strengthening Global South unity, especially between two nuclear countries.
Spain denies docking to two US ships carrying weapons being sent to Israel
Why it Matters: Most of the weapons delivered to Israel are sent via cargo ships. As calls for arms embargoes increase, more pressure is being applied to European governments to not allow these ships to stop in their ports. By doing so, the supply chain fueling Israel’s genocide is weakened.

October 2024

Anthony Borges, the most injured survivor of the Florida Parkland school shooting, now owns the rights to the shooter’s name
Why It Matters: The shooter must now have Anthony’s written approval before he can have any media appearances as well as donate his brain for scientific study after he dies. By taking away the shooters “voice,” the victims control the narrative of what happened, setting a historic example of what accountability can look like. 
Egypt is certified malaria-free by the World Health Organization
Why it Matters: Malaria has been traced back as far as 4000 BCE in Egypt and it has been an ongoing challenge to minimize the dangerous disease. Egypt is the third country to be awarded a malaria-free certification in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region following the United Arab Emirates and Morocco, and the first since 2010. Globally, a total of 44 countries and 1 territory have reached this milestone.
Ireland becomes the first EU country to ban imports from illegal Israeli settlements
Why it Matters: This ruling comes after the recent ICJ advisory opinion that deemed Israel’s occupation of Palestine illegal and it serves as an important milestone that will hopefully generate momentum for other EU states to join. The limiting of international trade is a critical step in dismantling the occupation of Palestine.
Chevron halts their major expansion of an Israeli-claimed gas field amid Israel's escalations in the area
Why It Matters: The expansion of the Leviathan gas field operation is worth roughly half a billion dollars. Chevron is Israel’s largest supplier of natural gas and play a key role in fueling the genocide. We must continue to pressure them to not only cancel the project but cut all ties with Israel.
The European Nature Restoration Law is passed and fully adopted, aiming to restore at least 20% of EU’s land and seas with specific legally binding targets
Why it Matters: This is one of the most important pieces of environmental legislation in Europe in decades because it provides real targets and is actually legally binding to the EU member states.
The UN adopts ambitious mandate for three legally binding global tax deal to curb international tax dodging
Why it Matters: Currently billionaires and multi-national corporations use tax havens and loopholes to avoid paying their fair share, limiting funding for development, public services, and environmental protection. The lack of public funding causes a huge gap between aspirations and real action, and the UN Tax Convention is the missing link that can bridge that gap.

September 2024

UN General Assembly demands Israel end ‘unlawful presence’ in Occupied Palestinian Territory
Why It Matters: While the resolution is non-binding, the support for Palestine from the international community was overwhelming and serves to further isolate Israel and the United States on the international stage. Now it is up to the citizens to pressure their governments to enforce it with sanctions and arms embargos.
Venezuela arrests six suspects for allegedly plotting to kill President Maduro
Why it Matters: The United States has a long and sordid history of staging coups to overthrow democratically elected leaders all across Central and South America. Venezuela itself has thwarted several coup attempts in the last decade. This is a sign that the Global Majority is becoming more aware of the strategies of the US Empire.
China invents a nuclear reactor that can't meltdown, even during a crisis
Why it Matters: Nuclear energy is one of the cleanest forms of energy out there and could potentially solve many of modern society’s energy needs. The danger of meltdowns such as Chernobyl and Fukushima has hampered nuclear development, but China has made huge strides in making it safer, paving the way for a greener future.
Palestine officially seated at the 79th UN General Assembly
Why it Matters: Since 2012, Palestine has only had “permanent observer status” in the UN with no real seat at the Assembly. However, in May, a resolution was adopted to reconsider Palestine’s membership in the UN, granting them some privileges of a full state. While a symbolic victory, it signifies the growing shift in international sentiment and the further isolation of Israel and the US politically.
MIT Divests from Israeli Lockheed Martin Funding Program
Why it Matters: Since 2019, the Lockheed Martin Seed Fund was a program administered by MIT International Science & Technology Initiative Israel that connected students and researchers with Lockheed Martin offices in Israel. This is the result of sustained pressure from MIT community and Palestinian advocates and, as the school year begins, it is a reminder of the power of student pressure on institutions.
Five Tenants Unions have joined to form a new national organization, Tenant Union Federation
Why it Matters: In an age of growing housing consolidation, unions are one of the best ways to harness our collective power against abusive landlords. This is the first major effort to organize tenants nationally in 40 years!

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