A collection of essential resources for the immigrants and allies to prepare for the mass deportation campaigns that President Trump has promised to carry out.
For educational purposes only. This is not legal advice - please seek the advice of a lawyer (you can search for one here) for any questions.
Download the flyer below, print it out, and paste or pass them out around your city.
Map of ICE Sightings Across the US (Updated via Submission) | Mapa de avistamientos de ICE
by Chismosas Sightings
Report any ICE sightings by pressing the "plus" sign at the bottom of the page and adding to the database. Prioritize notifying rapid response and local groups before updating.
Database of ICE Field Offices & Detention Facilities | Base de datos de oficinas de campo y centros de detención de ICE
by a Concerned Citizen from information on the ICE website
How to Find Somebody Detained By ICE | Cómo encontrar a alguien detenido por ICE
by a Concerned Citizen
- Only for those over 18 years old and those confirmed arrested
Solo para mayores de 18 años y detenidos confirmados - Have their full name, DOB, and Country of Birth. Optionally have their A Number (must be 9 digits)
Tener su nombre completo, fecha de nacimiento y país de nacimiento. Opcionalmente tienen su número A (debe ser de 9 dígitos) - Go to the ICE Locator Website
Ir al sitio web de ICE Locator - Enter the person's information and click submit
Ingrese la información de la persona y haga clic en enviar
How to Spot ICE Vehicles (in English and Español)
by Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice
For Immigrants | Para Inmigrante
For Immigrants | Para Inmigrante
Know Your Rights
- Your Rights with ICE | Conozca Su Derechos con ICE
by Immigrant Defense Project - Your Immigrants' Rights | Sus Derechos Como Inmigrante
by ACLU - Your U.S. Rights when Stopped by Police | Sus derechos en los EE. UU. cuando la policía lo detiene
by ACLU - Know Your Rights: 100 Mile Border Zone | Conozca sus derechos: Zona fronteriza de 100 millas
by ACLU - Know Your Rights by State | Conozca sus derechos por estado
by Community Submission - Your Rights When Protesting | Sus derechos al protestar
by National Immigration Law Center - How to Spot an Invalid Warrant | Cómo detectar una orden de arresto inválida
by CA Immigrant Youth
Educate yourself and others with this guide (available in English & Español) - Learn about ICE Warrants | Más información sobre las órdenes de arresto de ICE
by Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition - Rapid Support Hotlines for ICE Detainees & Families | Líneas directas de apoyo rápido para detenidos y familias de ICE
- Download the Notifica App | Descarga la app de Notifica
An app to help you prepare for possible deportation. Put in your emergency contact and automatically notify them if something happens. - Download the Consult App | Descarga la app de Consult
Created by Mexican government as a "panic button" for anyone experiencing ICE raid - Create an Emergency Plan | Crear un plan de emergencia
by We Have Rights
An Emergency Plan is a document everyone should have to protect themselves and their families in case of an emergency, whether a fire, an earthquake, or an interaction with or arrest and detention by ICE.
Keep it in a safe place with other important documents -your passport, medical prescriptions, and other immigration documents. - ONLY SHARE THE LOCATION OF YOUR EMERGENCY PLAN WITH TRUSTED FRIENDS AND RELATIVES. (SOLO COMPARTA LA UBICACIÓN DE SU PLAN DE EMERGENCIA CON AMIGOS Y FAMILIARES DE CONFIANZA.)
Make sure they know where it is, why it is important, and how to get it in case you are arrested by ICE. - NEVER SHARE YOUR EMERGENCY PLAN WITH ICE AGENTS!
- Emergency Contacts | Contactos de emergencia
- Appointment of Standby Guardian | Nombramiento de Guardián de Reserva
This form is to designate an adult to be a standby guardian of your minor child(ren) in the event you are detained, incarcerated, or deported in connection with immigration action. The purpose of this form is to ensure a child’s well-being if their primary caregiver is unable to provide care due to a triggering event like illness, accident, or legal issues. - Limited Power of Attorney | Poder Notarial Limitado
A limited power of attorney (POA) is a document that gives someone the authority to act on another person’s behalf for a specific time and within certain limits. For immigration purposes, a POA can be used to grant a trusted family member or friend the authority to act on your behalf in case of deportation or detention. - Pet Emergency Card | Tarjeta de Emergencia para mascota
- Download Red Cards / Tarjetas Roja (16 languages)
by Immigrant Legal Resource Center
The ILRC’s Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.
Nuestras Tarjetas Rojas ayudan a los inmigrantes ejercer esos derechos y protegerse en muchas situaciones, como cuando agentes de inmigración visitan nuestras viviendas.
How to use Red Cards / Como usar las tarjetas rojas - Red Cards for Autistic & Non-Verbal Students / Para Estudiantes no verbales & Autistas
- List of Mexican consulates in United States | Lista de consulados mexicanos en los Estados Unidos
Phone numbers and contact information included for each State to seek support.
What to Do If Stopped | Qué Hacer Si Se Detiene
If ICE Comes to Your Home | Si ICE Llega a Si Casa
Information by United We Dream | En Español Aqui
- Keep Calm
- Do not open the door
- If immigration agents enter your home without your permission, verbally express that you do not give them permission to enter your home or search your belongings. Ask for a search and arrest warrant.
- Do not answer any questions. Exercise your right to remain silent. If you do choose to answer questions, remember not to lie.
- Do not sign any documents.
- Ask to speak with your lawyer or a loved one.
- If you feel safe, record the event with your cell phone either through video or audio only.
- ICE Lies: Do not agree to what ICE asks. For example, do not follow them to their office, to immigration offices like USCIS, or to meet them for coffee.
Additional Resources
- Immigration Agents Come to Your Home: Prepare Yourself Printable Flyer
- Immigration Agents Come to Your Home: Defend Yourself Printable Flyer
- WATCH: What to Do When ICE is At Your Door
by We Have Rights
- WATCH: What to Do When ICE is in Your Home
by We Have Rights
If ICE Approaches You in Public | Si ICE Se Acerca a Usted en Público
Information by United We Dream | En Español Aqui
- Ask them to identify themselves.
- Provide your name only.
- Remain silent – if you choose to speak, remember to not lie.
- Ask for a warrant and check to see if your name is on it and spelled correctly.
- Record the incident if possible
- Stay calm and don’t run.
- Don’t share your personal or loved one’s information (name, address, etc).
- Don’t take ICE to your house to pick up your ID.
- Do not sign anything. Do not consent to being searched.
- ICE Lies: Do not agree to what ICE asks. For example, do not follow them to their office, to immigration offices like USCIS, or to meet them for coffee.
Additional Resources
- Immigration Agents Approach You in Public: Prepare Yourself Printable Flyer
- Immigration Agents Approach You in Public: Defend Yourself Printable Flyer
If ICE Comes to Your Job | Si ICE Viene a Su Trabajo
Information by United We Dream | En Español Aqui
- Remain silent – if you choose to speak, remember to not lie.
- Show your valid documentation or copy of your pending process.
- Ask for a warrant and check to see if your name is on it and spelled correctly.
- Do not sign anything.
- Do not consent to being searched – verbally say, “I do not consent to being searched”.
- ICE Lies: Do not agree to what ICE asks. For example, do not follow them to their office, to immigration offices like USCIS, or to meet them for coffee.
Additional Resources
- Immigration Agents Come to Your Job: Prepare Yourself Printable Flyer
- Immigration Agents Come to Your Job: Defend Yourself Printable Flyer
If ICE Stops You In Your Car | Si ICE lo Detiene en Su Automóvil
Information by Immigrant Defense Project
- It's important to pull over!
- Ask the officers to identify themselves.
- Are you police? Immigration? Highway patrol?
- Why am I being stopped?
- Remain silent – if you choose to speak, remember to not lie.
- Refuse to answer questions about your criminal or immigration history
- Ask officers why they stopped you
- Refuse a search of your pockets and your car
- No one has to give ICE their personal information, including name, address, or place of birth
- Before doing anything ask, "Am I free to go?"
- If you are a passenger, you may NOT have to show the officer your ID. In New York you do not, other states may vary.
Additional Resources
- Car Stops Inforgraphic - Your rights when stopped by ICE (en Español)
- How ICE uses Automated License Plate Readers & Your Rights (en Español)
If ICE Arrests You | Si ICE Lo Arresta
- Watch: What to Do if ICE Arrests You
by We Have Rights
Legal Resources | Recursos Para Encontrar Abogados
- Find an Immigration Lawyer | Encuentre un Abogado de Inmigración
by AILA - Find Immigration Legal Services | Encuentre Servicios Legales de Inmigración
by Immigration Advocates Network
Search a national database to find immigration legal assistance near you. - Holland Law Firm
Phone: 832-328-7877 - Martinez Immigration Attorney (OR, CA, TX)
Phone: 469-296-9916
has many resources and advice on TikTok as well | también tiene muchos recursos y consejos en TikTok
LGBTQ+ Immigration Resources | Recursos para Inmigrantes LGBTQ+
- LGBTQ+ Immigration Help | Ayuda para inmigrantes LGBTQ
by Immigration Equality
Other Services
Notary Services (Nationwide) | Servicios Notariales (a Nivel Nacional) -
- Notary/Notario Jennifer Schlangen- With this link, can notarize anywhere within the USA / Con este enlace, puedo notarizar en cualquier lugar dentro de los EE. UU.
*Translator must be present and some form of ID by signor must be provided.
* El traductor debe estar presente y el firmante debe proporcionar algun documento de identificación - Translators(Text)/Interpreters(Voice/Speech) | Traductor (Texto) Intérpretes (Voz/Discurso)
For Allies | Para Aliados
Immigrants play a crucial role in American society and, after all, we were all immigrants to this land at one point. It is up to those of us with citizenship or other privileges to protect our neighbors when the State shows up on our blocks.
For Allies | Para Aliados
- Free Downloadable Pro-Immigrant Prints and Know-Your-Rights Cards
by Barrio Drive
Download and print out these resources to hand out at grocery stores, community centers, or other places where immigrants may frequent. - Find Volunteer Opportunities for Immigrant Rights Organizations
by Immigration Advocates Network - Map of ICE Sightings Across the US (Updated via Submission)
by Chismosas Sightings
Track any ICE sightings by pressing the "plus" sign at the bottom of the page and adding to the database. Prioritize notifying rapid response and local groups before updating.
- General Guidelines:
- Protesting for immigrant rights is NOT criminalized!
- Certain activities can carry greater risk of successful prosecution, but under this current administration, many immigrant advocacy actions will always risk harassment, arrest, and/or indictment, even if securing a conviction is less likely.
- Status-agnostic initiatives have less risk: Status-agnostic refers to support or advocacy that does not differentiate or is based on the person’s immigration status. Because the law requires knowledge or reckless disregard that someone is violating immigration laws, not making advocacy dependent on status significantly reduces the risks.
- Actions taken for non-immigration purposes have less risk: Giving assistance for the purpose of helping someone violate immigration law is criminalized. Providing someone humanitarian assistance without regard to their immigration status is less likely to carry criminal liability.
- Defend Against ICE Raids and Community Arrests Toolkit
by Immigrant Defense Project
This serves as the first comprehensive guide and organizing resource to fight back against the Trump administration’s efforts to criminalize communities and deport millions of people. - Read this Zine about Strategizing to Stop Mass Deportations
by Crimethinc
Mass deportations will require massive logistics and infrastructure, providing a host of opportunities for intervention during popular resistance. For Educational Purposes only - The Deportation Defense Manual
by Make the Road NY
Provides information, resources and a guide to create an action plan to protect communities against law enforcement / ICE. We have the power to protect one another even when immigration laws and agents do not respect our communities. (available in English & Español) - Tactics & Techniques for Countering Police Assaults
by Warrior Publications
A downloadable PDF on how to best protect targeted communities from the police - Interactive Map of ICE tactics during raids
by Immigrant Defense Project - How to Spot ICE Vehicles (in English and Español)
by Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice - For Healthcare Workers
- What to do if ICE Raids Your Hospital
by a Concerned Citizen- Ask for a warrant – ICE agents rarely have judicial warrants. You have the right to review any document they provide.
- Protect patient information – Only disclose details if there is a valid court order. Sharing patient data without one is a HIPAA violation.
- No warrant? They must have an administrative request to proceed.
- ACLU Healthcare Providers Guide
- What to do if ICE Raids Your Hospital
- For Educators:
- IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: FERPA Prevents Teachers from giving student Information to police or ICE
FERPA impide que los maestros revelen información de los estudiantes a la policía/la migra - Self Defense from ICE Raids Training for Students & Teachers (National)
by Association of Raza Educators - Know Your Rights for Admins & Teachers in California
by Inland Coalition for Immigrant Children - Immigrant Student Rights: A Guide for Font-Office Staff
by Ileana Najarro for EdWeek - Protecting our Students Training Curriculum | Proteger el plan de estudios de capacitación de nuestros estudiantes
by American Federation of Teachers
- IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: FERPA Prevents Teachers from giving student Information to police or ICE
- How Schools Can Take Action to Protect Their Immigrant Students | Cómo las escuelas pueden tomar medidas para proteger a sus estudiantes inmigrantes
- Assess Your Risk: Understanding the "Harboring Non-US Citizens" Federal Crime
by National Lawyers Guild - Email Template to send to Your school | Plantilla de correo electrónico para enviar a su escuela
- Use the SALUTE Method to Report ICE Sightings

- Our Rights in Our Communities & Our Streets
by We Have Rights
Ways You Can Support
From: How U.S. Citizens Can Protect the Immigrant Community From the Deportation Force
- If you see ICE checkpoints, you could ask why are they stopping, searching vehicles and where are they taking individuals who are being detained?
- If ICE is asking for ID on a train, bus, or other spaces, refuse to show your ID – ask questions about why they are there in the first place and put yourself between ICE agents and undocumented individuals.
- If ICE agents are seen posted outside of homes inquire who they are searching for and why?
- Ask for a warrant – remind people of their rights.
- If you see someone being detained, ask why is the person being detained? Ask where will they be transferred to?
- Record the interaction on video
- You have a right to be present, observing, bearing witness, praying, photographing and videotaping (though your right to videotape a law enforcement action may vary by state).
- Record badge numbers, license plates, and everything that happened in the incident by writing it down and video taping.
- Try to learn and document what role ICE officers and local law enforcement played during the activity.
- If ICE warns you and asks you to step back while videoing/photographing, it is best to follow directions, as they may confiscate your camera.
- Your Rights When Documenting ICE Arrests:
by We Have Rights
- Create a group with a plan to respond to raids, assign roles and examine the potential strategy on how to stop the raid i.e – AZ folks stop an ICE vehicle from taking folks.
- Assign someone to de-escalate the situation if you are able to gain space while activity is happening
- Organize people to help with the fall out of the raid when families are being separated
- Be ready to show up and do a vigil at the ICE field office, detention center or jail where people are being held to advocate for those immigrants to be released on bail
- Be prepared to launch a call in action to call and demand that ICE Field office releases folks who were detained.
Who to Call
- Immigration Hotlines
by National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
NNIRR has gathered a list of national, state and local Immigration Hotlines. See our list below for hotlines where you can:- report raids in your area
- seek help if being detained or at risk of being deported
- report missing migrants
- Don't Call the Police
A directory of local U.S. resources available as alternatives for calling the police or 911 when in a situation that requires de-escalation and/or intervention, and is best managed by a community-based crisis response provider.
(Bookmark this if you live in or plan to visit the US!)
Rapid Response, Organizations, & Legal Aid By State
If we are missing Rapid Response or other local information, let us know at consciouscitizens@littlewinsstudio.com
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
- ACLU Alabama Immigration Contacts and Resources- www.aclualabama.org/en/about/contact-us
- Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice-https://www.acij.org/what-we-do
Lawyers/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Margaret D. Stock: Cascadia Cross-Border Law
- Nations Law Group, Immigration Attorneys in Alaska- (Anchorage) -
Phone: 907-770-0909
Website - Maquillan and Holman Law, LLC, (Anchorage AK)
Phone: 907-562-4000
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Network/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Missing Migrant- If the person crossed the Mexican border into Arizona or New Mexico
Call No More Deaths: 520-585-5881
Lawyers/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Lawyer: Global Hearts United Lawyers
- Lawyer: Federal Immigration Lawyers
- Lawyer- Maria Jones Law Firm
602-566-9305 - Lawyer- Christopher J. Stender
602-254-5353 - Ortega Law Group
866- 571-0652 - Big Chad Arizona Immigration Attorney
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Network/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Arkansas United
Lawyers/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Murad Law Firm Immigration Law
- Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik & Rozzell, PLLC (Rogers AK)
- Hall, Booth, Smith Attorneys at Law
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Northern California Rapid Response Hotlines
- North Bay Rapid Response Network
(Sonoma, Napa, and Solano Counties) - Phone: 707-800-4544
- Website
- Santa Crus & Pajaro Valley Rapid Response
- Phone: 831-239-4289
- Website
- Sacramento Rapid Response Network
(Sacramento, Yolo, Placer, El Dorado, Nevada, Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, Butte, & North rural areas) - Phone: 916-382-0256
- Website
- Stand Together Contra Costa
- Phone: 925-900-5151
- Website
- San Francisco Rapid Response Network
- Phone: 415-200-1548
- Website
- San Mateo County Rapid Response
- Phone: 203-666-4472
- Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network
- Phone: 408-290-1144
- Website
Central Valley California Rapid Response Hotlines
- Kern County Rapid Response Network
- Phone: 661-432-2230
- Website
- Valley Watch Rapid Response Network
(Fresno, San Joaquin, Merced, Stanislaus, and Kern Counties) - Phone: 559-206-0151
Southern California Rapid Response Hotlines
- Koreatown Rapid Response Network:
- Phone: 323-894-1504
- Website
- Los Angeles Raids and Rapid Response Network
- Phone: 888-624-4752
- Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice Emergency Response Network
(San Bernardino & Riverside Counties) - Phone: 909-361-4588
- Website
- Orange County Rapid Response Network
- Phone: 714-881-1558
- Email: caserferral@ocrapidresponse.org
- Southern Central Coast Rapid Response Network
(Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo Counties) - Phone: 805-870-8855
- Website
- Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights LA Rapid Response
- Phone: 888-624-4752
- Website
California Legal Services
Lawyers/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services/Lawyers List
- Bolour/Carl Immigration Group (Los Angeles/Monterey/Fresno/Salinas, CA)
Phone: 323-319-4800
Website - Abogados De Inmigración En Los Angeless Manduley & Camisassa (Los Angeles, CA)
Phone: 818-506-0070 - [Hablas Español]
Website - Law Firm of Amish Vashistha, APLC (Los Angeles CA)
Phone: 877-227-9714
Website - The Law Offices of Todd Becraft (Los Angeles, CA)
Phone: 213-388-1821
Website - Kostiv Cardinal International Law Group Corp (Los Angeles, CA)
Phone: 800-999-5765
Website - JCS Immigration Law- (Los Angeles, CA)
Website - La Oficina Legal del Abogado Alejandro Barajas-(Los Angeles, CA)
Phone: 323-522-4188
Website - Abogado de Inmigración Nelson A. Castillo (Los Angeles CA)
Phone: 213-537-8472
Website - Attorney Eric Price (Los Angeles, CA)
Phone: 855-662-2772 - [Habla Español]
Website - Arnaout Immigration Law Firm (Los Angeles CA)
Phone: 818-276-9900
Website - Lluís Law Accident Immigration & Criminal Lawyers (Los Angeles, CA)
Phone: 213-687-4412
Website - Law Offices of David M. Hagghighi Nationwide Immigration and Deportation Defense
Phone: 213-632-3900
Website - La Firma De Abogados Valdez (Inglewood, CA)
Phone: 310-330-0511
Website - Martin O’Hara Law - (Hawthorn, CA)
Phone: 213-265-7348
Website - Mateo Law Offices- Abogada Lizbeth Mateo
Phone: 800-875-0158 / 213-757-2584
Website - Lawyer Alex Galvez- Abogado de Inmigración
Phone: 844-644-7266 / 213-623-2358
Website - Jessica Dominguez Immigration Law Group- (LA)
Phone: 818-753-8400
Website - Martinez Immigration Attorney(OR, CA, TX)
Website - Daniel Shanfield Immigration Defense P.C., (San Jose, CA)
Phone: 408-359-4388
Website - Terkiana Immigration Attorneys PC, ( San Jose CA) Phone: 415-909-0503
Website - KPB Immigration Law Firm
San Jose: 408-963-0355
Napa: 707-408-8100
Sacramento: 916-349-2900
San Francisco: 415-900-4405
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Colorado Rapid Response Network
Phone: 1-844-864-8341
Facebook Page
Lawyers/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services for Colorado
- El Refugio (Aurora CO)
Website - Shaftel Law US Immigration Law Experts
Phone: 303-872-6985
Website - Hernandez & Associates P.C. Attorneys At Law (Denver CO)
Phone: 303-951-8967
Website - Joseph & Hall Immigration and LGBTQ+ Deportation Defense- (Aurora CO)
Phone: 303-297-9171
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyers/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services list
- Building One Community- The Center for Immigrant Opportunity
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
- ACLU of Connecticut
- Apostle Immigrant Services
- Catholic Charities Fairfield County (Bridgeport, Norwalk CT)
Norwalk: (203) 383-0325
Bridgeport: (203) 416-1322
Website - Center for Immigrant Development, Inc. Empowerment Through Education, Advocacy and Legal Services
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Florida Immigrant Coalition Hotline: 1-888-600-5762
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services for Florida
- Bassey Immigration Law Center PA
Phone: 813-592-4079
Website - Smith & Eulo Law Firm Immigration Lawyers (Orlando)
Phone: 407-930-8912
Website - Shane & Shane, P.A. Immigration Law Firm
Phone: 954-772-8782
Website - Sekou Clarke Law Group- (Orland/Panama City)
Phone: 407-269-8774
Website - LGBTQ Immigration Lawyer
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights Atlanta
Phone: 1-770-457-5232 - Asian Americans Advancing Justice (Atlanta) Legal Hotline
Phone: 615-414-1030
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services for Georgia
- Ross and Pines Immigration Attorney
Phone: 888-838-4858
Website - Mandi Law P.C.
Phone: 678-210-3987
Website - Latrobe Law-(Lawrenceville, GA)
Phone: 678-250-5449
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Law Office Of Nicole R. Derden
Phone: 208-287-4200
Website - Catholic Charities of Idaho
Website - Familias Unidas Legal Services- (Caldwell, ID)
Phone: 208-454-1652
Website - Pro Bono Legal Services for Idaho
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Immigration Lawer: Christopher Helt
Phone: 888-739-6794
Website - Pro Bono Immigration Lawyer List for Illinois
- Pro Bono Immigration Law Firm List
- Chicago Immigration Attorney: Robert Conrad Milla
Website - Davidson & Seseri Immigration Law Firm: Yllka Antonela Seseri
Website - Hinshaw Law: William B. Schiller
Website - Attorney Spiros Stavros Nicollet (Chicago IL)
Phone: 773-562-6884
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
- Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
Phone: 1-855-435-7693
Know Your Rights for Chicago in English/Spanish/Korean/Polish
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Mariposa Legal Non-Profit (En Espanol y Ingles)
Website - Pro Bono/Non-Profit Legal Assistance
- Eugene Mogilevsky Law office
Website - Villarrubia & Rosenberger, P.C.
Website - Indiana Legal Services Non-Profit Law Firm
Website - Indiana Immigrants’ and Language Rights Center
Phone: 317-631-9410 or 1-866-964-2138
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Reporting ICE Hotline: 515-505-8805
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Immigration Law and Advocacy
Phone: 316-262-6222 - Kansas Immigration Lawyer- Jijyun Kim
Phone: 316-558-5770
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List for Kentucky
- Carman Fullerton (Lexington)
Phone: 859-971-0060
Website - David Funke Immigration Law Firm- (Louisville KY)
Phone: 270-599-0613
Website - Farmer & Wright Attorneys
Phone: 270-477-0088
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List for Louisiana
- Liberty Law Group LLC (Shreveport & Alexandria)
Phone: 318-383-2825
Website - Ware Immigration
Phone: 866-833-8308
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- CASAs Raid Response
Phone: 1-301-431-4185
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Check to see if your lawyer is Licensed “active status in good standing”
Under Additional Resources (For DC, VA and MD) - Pro Bono Legal Services List for Maryland
- Signe Law (Laurel, MD)
Phone: 240-736-6169
Website - Jaskot Abogado Law (Baltimore, MD)
Phone: 410-235-6868
Website - Griffith Immigration Law (Baltimore MD)
Phone: 410-883-9157
Website - Sanitized A. Abou Attorney at Law (Fredrick, MD)
Phone: 410-685-0227
Website - Anthony A. Fatemi Attorneys at Law (Gaithersburg, MD)
Phone: 301-519-2801
Website - Verma Cortes LLC (Rockville, MD)
Phone: 301-383-9135
Website - Zenith Law Firm (Landover, MD)
Phone: 240-625-2557
Website - Anyere Law Firm (Greenbelt MD)
Phone: 301-501-5038
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Lawyer (Boston) Molly McGee Law Firm
Website - Lawyer- (Lawrence, MA) Gomez and Martinez Law Firm: Tania M. Martinez
Website - Lawyer- (Cambridge, MA) Cambridge Immigration Law
Website - Free Legal Support/Lawyers and Resources for Massachusetts
- New England Justice For Our Neighbors (Central and Western Mass) Immigration Law and Justice
- Lawyers- Community Legal Aid
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Reall, Lucentini & Lucentini LLP (Northampton MA)
Phone: 413-585-8300
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Grand Rapids Response
- Report ICE Activity
From 6 am – 6 pm Monday – Friday
Dial 211 to report ICE activity, at which point volunteers can be mobilized.
Evenings and weekends call: 616-238-0081. - Immigration Related Emergencies/Para Emergencias relacionadas a inmigración, llame al (Washtenaw County)
Phone: 734-355-2707
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Michigan Legal Help
- Michigan Immigrant Rights Center
Washtenaw: 734-239-6863
Lansing: 734-239-6863
Grand Rapids: 616-827-4080
Website - LSSCM Legal Services of South Central Michigan: Making Justice a Reality
Offices in Ypsilanti, Lansing, Monroe, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, and Jackson
Website - Margolis & Cross Attorneys and Counselors at Law- (Ann Arbor)
Phone: 734-994-9590
Website - Herman Lego Group
Phone: 216-696-6170
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Chhabra, Gibbs and Terran PLLC, (Jackson, MS)
Phone: 601-927-8430/601-948-8005
Website - Law Offices of Malvern C. Burnett APLC
Forest: 601-564-9100
Ocean Springs: 228-867-8828
Website - Mecham Law Firm- (Gulfport, MS)
Phone: 228-604-8706
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
- ACLU of Mississippi
- Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance (MIRA) (Jackson MS)
- El Pueblo (Biloxi MS) - Family Immigration Legal Services
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services of Missouri
- Coffman & Bolourtchi Lawyers (St. Louis)
Phone: 314-863-3838
Website - Hague Law Practices LLC- (St. Louis)
Phone: 314-435-9866
Website - Maya King- King Law Group - (North Kansas City)
Phone: 913-717-7112
Website - Evita Tolu- Immigration Law Group LLC- (St. Louis MO)
Phone: 314-323-6022
Website - Law Offices of Preston JOnes (Kansas City MO)
Phone: 816-873-5534
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Solano Immigration Law Firm- (Doraville GA)
Phone: 470-624-6476
Website - Christopher Flynn- Immigration of Law of Montana- (Shepherd MT)
Phone: 406-373-9828
Website - Moses O Okeyo- (Misoula, MT)
Phone: 208-241-8194 - Holland & Hart - (Billings, MT)
Phone: 406-252-2166
Website - Wilmer & O’Reilly
Phone: 888-847-5342
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Solano Law Firm
Website - Peng Li - Li Law Group (Omaha)
Phone: 402-224-6588
Website - Mark J. Curley- Curley Law Offices (Omaha)
Phone: 402-733-8989
Website - Kasaby Schmoke Law Firm
Phone: 402-884-0700
Website - Blackford Law LLC- (Omaha)
Phone: 402-933-4090
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Nevada Immigration Resources
by Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- New York/New Jersey Rapid Response Network: 1-800-308-0878
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Immigration Advocates Network- New Jersey Organization Legal Services Directory
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Law Offices of Jessica Chanin LLC- (West Orange NJ)
Phone: 973-736-0346
Website - The Law Offices of Anne Z. Seeking LLC- (Jersey City NJ)
Phone: 516-487-3831
Website - Edward Shulman Immigration Lawyer- (Paterson NJ)
Phone: 800-854-0650
Website - The Qudah Law Office (Paterson NJ)
Phone: 973-821-5316
Website - Harlan York & Associates Immigration Attorneys - (Newark NJ)
Phone: 973-642-1111
Website - Law Offices of Eric M. Mark (Newark NJ)
Phone: 973-434-5476
Website - The Law Office of Mustafa Cetin (Wayne NJ)
Phone: 201-957-0909
Website - Odunlami Law Firm
Phone: 732-466-6901
Website - Camden Law and and Justice Legal services
Phone: 856-583- 2950
Website - The Scheer Immigration Law Group (for those in Essex, Morris and Sussex County)
Phone: 973-532-5330
Website - Law Offices of Ludovico Aprigliano (Morristown NJ)
Phone: 973-292-3900
Website - Law Offices of Metin Serbest (Morristown NJ)
Phone: 312-473-5500
Website - The Scheer Immigration Law Group (Morristown NJ)
Phone: 862-576-4214
Website - Brian D. O’Neill Attorney at Law (Morristown NJ)
Phone: 201-803-2126
Website - Bastarrika Soto LLP- (Woodland Park NJ)
Phone: 973-370-0997
Website - Diaspora Law U.S. Immigration Firm- (Elizabeth/New Brunswick)
Phone: 1-800-919-9280
Website - Law Office of Abhisha Parikh (Edison NJ)
Phone: 732-379-4866
Website - Cruz Gold and Associates ( Ewing NJ)
Phone: 609-924-8500
Website - Bhagwati & Bhagwati P.C. (Lawrenceville, NJ)
Phone: 866-995-6540
Website - Heckler Law Group (South Amboy NJ)
Phone: 732-308-9623
Website - Loma Law Office of Michelle Alcalde (Hablamos Español) (Freehold NJ)
Phone: 732-766-1407
Website - The Hernandez Law Firm P.C. (Toms River NJ)
Phone: 732-582-5076
Website - Andres Meyer Law Immigration Attorneys (Eatontown, Lakewood, Newark, Edison, Bridgewater & Freehold NJ)
Website - Decosmo Law Attorneys at Law ( Camden NJ)
Phone: 865-843-4012
Website - Canales Law Offices ( Cherry Hill NJ)
Phone: 865-324-0518
Website - Nelson & Associates P.A. (Ventnor City NJ)
Phone: 609-428-6503
Website - Divij H. Dave (Cape May Court House, NJ)
Phone: 609-741-8821
Website - Standby Guardianship (NJ)
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
- ACLU of New Jersey Legal request form
- New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice
- Catholic Charities South Jersey
- El Centro Hispanoamericano
- Rescue.org Elizabeth NJ
Phone: 908-290-5496
New Mexico
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Missing Migrant
If the person crossed the Mexican border into Arizona or New Mexico Call No More Deaths: 520-585-5881 - Statewide New Mexico Migra Watch Hotline
Phone: 1-844-363-1423 ext. 102.
The hotline will be staffed from 6 am – 9 pm local time Monday through Friday. - Chicanos Por La Causa
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
New York
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- New York City Immigrant Defense Project
Phone: 1-212-725-6422
Open; Tues & Thurs 2-4:30, (nationwide) - Long Island Dream Act Coalition:
Phone: 1-516-387-2043 - Ithaca/Tompkins County:
Phone: 607-358-5119 - New York/New Jersey Rapid Response Network
Phone: 1-800-308-0878
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- McBean Immigration Law Firm- (White Plains and Forest Hills, NY)
Phone: 914-898-9488
Website - Sekou Clarke Law Group- (Jamaica NY)
Phone: 407-269-8774
Website - Action NYC offers all networkers regardless of Immigration status answers to immigration related questions, referrals to community based resources and city funded safe and free legal help.
Phone: 1-800-354-0365 or call 311 and say “ActionNYC” between 9am-6pm M-F
Website - Immigration Defense Project- helps to secure fairness and justice for immigrants by providing direct legal services, impact litigation, advocacy, training and more
Phone: 212-725-6422
Website - Hispanic Federation
Phone: 844-432-9832
Website - Robert Tsigler PLLC, (Brooklyn NY)
Phone: 718-878-3781
Website - Katina & Associates (Brooklyn, NY)
Phone: 212-944-1529
Website - Law Offices of Michael A. Cervini (Bronx, Brooklyn, NYC, NY)
Phone: 718-577-2971
Website - Modern Law Group (Brooklyn NY)
Phone: 866-771-4275 / 347-826-0080
Website - Polizzotto & Polizzotto LLC, (Brooklyn NY)
Phone: 718-557-9725
Website - Pozo Goldstein LLP Attorneys at Law (New York, NY)
Phone: 212-201-9031
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
- ACLU of New York
- Emerald Isle Immigration Center- locations in Bronx and Queens Providing a broad range of immigration-related services, and more
Phone: 718-324-3039 ext 101
Website - Voces Latinas- Immigration Health and HIV Organization
- The Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York- or call
Phone: 888-744-7900
North Carolina
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Alerta Migratoria
Phone: 1-984-377-2622 - Raleigh NC Radar Safe Alert to ICE
Hotline: 1-800-559-8714
Facebook page
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
North Dakota
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Sintsirmas & Mueller Co L.P.A., ( Cleveland and Twinsburg OH)
Phone: 866-668-8727
Website - Brown Immigration Law ( Columbus OH)
Phone: 614-698-1205
Website - Bartell, Georgalas & Juarez
Columbus OH: 614-808-0512
Oxford OH: 513-964-2415
Independence OH: 216-777-4181
Website - Lau & Associates Co LPA, (Worthington OH)
Phone: 614-864-3147
Website - Rodriguex Bell & DiFanco Law Office LLC, (Columbus OH)
Phone: 800-709-0243 (Habla Español)
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Stump Law, Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: 405-217-4550
Website - Rivas & Associates (Tulsa and Oklahoma City, OK)
Phone: 844-377-4827
Website - Christi J. Giddeon, PLLC Attorney at Law (Oklahoma City)
Phone: 405-627-8714
Website - Law Office of Carlos L. Williams, ( Tulsa OK)
Phone: 918-216-9644
Website - Erwin Law Office Immigration Attorneys ( Tulsa OK)
Phone: 918-712-9888
Website - Worth Law Office (Tulsa OK)
Phone: 918-879-1681
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Martinez Immigration Attorney(OR, CA, TX)
Website - Deportation Attorney Services for ICE detainees- Molina Law Group (Springfield/Eugene, OR)
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
- Immigration Rights Coalition- Portland Area and its surroundings
Phone: 571-748-2500 - ACLU of Oregon
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Nina Qureshi Immigration Law
Website - Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost (Philadelphia, PA)
Phone: 267-223-5862
Website - MC Law Group LLC, (Philadelphia PA)
Phone: 215-496-0690
Website - SHG Immigration Law- (Philadelphia PA)
Phone: 215-330-5244
Website - Roger’s Tamburro Law Office, (Pittsburg PA)
Phone: 412-434-7500
Website - Law Offices of Kristen A. Schneck ( Pittsburg & Muncy PA)
Phone: 412-253-4380 / 570-505-6180
Website - Murphy Law Firm Immigration & Nationality Law (West Chester PA)
Phone: 610-436-7555
Website - Sposto Law Offices, PC, (Scranton, PA)
Phone: 570-340-1556
Website - The Law Office of Rosina C. Stambaugh (York, PA)
Phone: 717-936-9265
Website - Law Office of Troy J. Mattes, P.C., (Lancaster PA)
Phone: 717-208-2481 / 800-574-5563
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rhode Island
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Law Office of Claudia Gregoire Immigration Lawyer- (Providence RI)
Phone: 401-867-7000
Website - Law Office of John E MacDonald, Inc. (Providence RI)
Phone: 401-421-1440
Website - RI Immigration & Family Law Group (Johnston RI)
Phone: 401-270-7104
Website - Law Office of Saigon Gbehan, LLC (North Providence RI)
Phone: 401-228-0001
Website - The Law Office of Frederic A. Marzilli ( East Providence RI)
Phone: 401-434-5887
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
South Carolina
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- List of Immigration Lawyers in South Carolina
- String Immigration Law LLC, (Charleston, SC)
Phone: 843-640-0070
Website - Black & White LLP (Rock Hill SC)
Phone: 704-309-0993
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
South Dakota
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Duffy Law Firm (Rapid City, SD)
Phone: 605-939-7936
Website - Woods Fuller Law Firm, (Sioux Falls & Brookings SD)
Phone: 605-336-3890
Website - Ballard Spahn Law Offices (Sioux Falls SD)
Phone: 605-978-5200
Website - Evans Law PC (Sioux Falls SD)
Phone: 605-367-9755
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Report ICE Activity:
Memphis: 901-329-7979
Email: vecindarios901@gmail.com
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services Lists
- Advocates for Immigrant Rights
“Before we will schedule a consultation, we need to collect some information about you."
Phone or Text: 901- 729-9560
For people calling from detention, we can be reached via speed dial using code 10057# or at 901-206-4440
Or Schedule Call Here
Website - Barry Frager, The Frager Law Firm, P.C. (Memphis and Nashville)
Phone: 901-763-3188
Office Phone: 901-763-3180 (24hr)
Website - Sean Lewis, Law Offices of SEan Lewis, PLLC (Nashville)
Phone: 615-646-6002
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
- ACLU of Tennessee
- TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition- Focused on Macro Level Policy Change/Advocacy
Phone: 615-414-1030 for Legal Information and Refferals
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Houston Immigrants’ Rights Hotline - Get assistance in understanding recent executive orders as well as existing immigration policies.
Phone: 1-833-468-4664 - Austin & Travis County
Phone: 1-512-270-1515 - You can also text “WATCHICE” to 877877 (Community Defense Line)
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- Martinez Immigration Attorney(OR, CA, TX)
Website - Law offices Hugo Balderas-Ibarra: Immigration Law (Habla Español)
Website - JLW Immigration Law Group (Austin TX)
Phone: 512-633-1785
Website - Gonzalez Olivieri LLC (Houston TX)
Phone: 713-481-3040
Website - Law Office of Mana Yegani ( Houston TX)
Phone: 832-981-2170
Website - Rocio Martinez ( Fort Worth TX)
Phone: 817-383-2979
Website - Saenz-García Law PLLC (Irving & Fort Worth TX)
Phone: 469-626-8472
Website - Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law (Dallas TX)
Phone: 214-501-0560
Website - Texas Immigration Law Office PLLC (Garland TX)
Phone: 469-378-9155
Website - Diez & Crane Attorneys At Law ( Brownsville, Weslaco & Pasedena, TX)
Website - Law Office of Alfonso Venegas, PLLC (Harlingen TX)
Phone: 956-887-5784
Website - Matulewicz & Associates (McAllen TX)
Phone: 956-879-4623
Website - Alex Martinez Law (McAllen & Edinburg TX)
Website - Zermeño Law (El Paso TX)
Phone: 915-219-4070
Website - Gabriel Jiménez Law Office (El Paso TX)
Phone: 915-533-4211
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Community United - Salt Lake County
Phone: 1-801-487-4143 (8 am – 6 pm M-Th.)
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Holman Immigration Law (Burlington VT)
Phone: 802-860-3333
Website - Weinstock Immigration Lawyers
Phone: 704-464-0527
Website - LawHood.com - Find a Vermont Immigration Lawyer Near You! (Scroll to the bottom for the list)
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- North Virginia Legal Services
Phone: 571-748-2500
Website - Check to see if your lawyer is Licensed “active status in good standing”
Under Additional Resources (For DC, VA and MD)
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Rapid Response Networks/Redes de respuesta rápida
- Washington Immigration Solidarity Network Hotline & Deportation Defense
Phone: 1-844-724-3737
or Text “ICE” or “Migra” to 509-300-4959
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Pro Bono Legal Services List
- North West Immigration Rights Project
Website - King County Residents in need of immigration legal services
Phone: 1-206-816-3870
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Washington D.C.
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Haynes Novick Kohn Immigration Attorney
Phone: 202-883-4795
Website - Price Benowitz Lawyers
Phone: 202-517-2051
Website - Washington Immigration Defense Lawyers
Phone: 202-684-8258
Website - Check to see if your lawyer is Licensed “active status in good standing”
Under Additional Resources (For DC, VA and MD)
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
West Virginia
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Mountain State Justice
Charleston: 304-344-3144
Morgantown: 304-326-0188
Princeton: 681-207-7513
Website - Goel and Anderson Corporate Immigration
Phone: 703-796-9898
Website - Meadows Law PLLC, (Morgantown WV)
Phone: 304-974-1120
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- Miller & Miller Immigration Attorneys (Milwaukee WI)
Phone: 414-296-9105
Website - Sesini Law Group S.C.,
Milwaukee WI: 414-312-5576
Green Bay WI: 920-843-9683
Website - Odrcic Law Group (Milwaukee WI)
Phone: 414-249-3720
Website - Attorney Spiros Stavros Nicollet (Milwaukee WI)
Phone: 773-562-6884
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones
Lawyer/Legal Counsel/ Abogado/Asesor Legal
- The Law Office of Travis Helm LLC, (Laramie WY)
Phone: 307-460-2032
Website - List Of Wyoming Immigration Law Attorneys/Lista de abogados de inmigración de Wyoming
Organizations/Coalitions/ Organizaciones/Coaliciones