The Psychology of Changing Minds | CC Dispatch #8

Thanks for joining us for our last Dispatch of the year! Starting this project has been one of the most rewarding parts of 2024 and we’re grateful to have you be part of our growing community. We wanted to take a little bit of a different approach this newsletter and talk about the psychology behind changing minds and how we can approach political conversations. Here's a tune to go along with your read. Let's get into it!

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Easy Actions to Take

⏱~3min | Send email to Maersk in Support of Mask Off Maersk Campaign (and other actions in link)

Why: Maersk is one of the largest shipping companies in the world and is a key part of the supply chain fueling Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The Mask Off Maersk campaign is dedicated in applying consistent pressure to end their relationship with Israel and has already had some early wins. Bonus points if you call!

Why: Amazon workers represented by the Teamsters Union have launched the largest strike ever against Amazon in an effort to improve working conditions and compensation. Striking workers need our support and we can help in a variety of different ways! The easiest way is to avoid Amazon (or just be very patient for your package). But other options are listed in the linked above.

Why: Kamal Adwan is the last functioning hospital in the north of Gaza and is currently under attack by the IOF. There has barely been any coverage of the attacks in the West which plays a role in whitewashing Israel’s crimes. Send a letter to help apply public pressure for more balanced coverage! 

Why: We have recently partnered with Muslims Around The World project to raise funds to provide prosthetics to amputees in Gaza. Currently, Gaza has the most child amputees in the world, and this program is a vital way to provide much-needed medical assistance after a life-altering injury. Our goal is to raise $20k by the new year!

Little Wins for The People

Australia bans Israelis who participated in genocide from entering the country
Why It Matters: Australia is one of the first Western countries to openly vow to arrest IOF soldiers that have participated in the ongoing Gaza genocide and represents the ever-increasing alienation and isolation Israel is facing. With our sustained pressure, hopefully this trend will continue across more nations in the West.
Scotland introduces bill that imposes harsh penalties (including jail time) for major polluters
Why it Matters: For decades one of the main obstacles in stopping the climate crisis was that the punishments for bad behavior was not meaningful. When the punishment is just a fine, it becomes another line item to large multi-national corporations. Imposing real penalties that affect perpetrators personally, like jail time, is a step in the right direction if it can be properly enforced.
Teamsters Union launch largest strike against Amazon in US History
Why It Matters: Amazon has a long history of union busting and creating unsafe working conditions for warehouse workers and delivery drivers, and the pressure is even greater during the holiday season. This is the latest action in a long push for the the Amazon union to be properly recognized by shareholders and have a seat at the negotiation table. As unions are the driving force for healthier work environments, this is an important moment to show our solidarity with the working class.
South Korean President is impeached
Why It Matters: After weeks of protest including millions of South Koreans in the country and across the diaspora, they have achieved victory in removing President Yoon. Everyone should take note of the solidarity among South Korean citizens and the resolve they showed in the face of government repression. This is a great video about the protest culture in Korea that we can all learn from!

"We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave — to embrace the strength within themselves and realize their full potential." -Malala Yousafzai

How Gay Marriage Won

Revealing History

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