How Capitalism Killed Our Imagination & How to Get it Back | CC Dispatch #12

In this Dispatch we're discussing imagination, specifically how it's been strangled in a capitalist society and what we can do to reclaim it.

First, some quick housekeeping, then let's get into it!

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Easy Actions to Take

πŸ“£ Boycott Alert!

  • BDS Movement has renewed calls for a boycott against Marvel’s new movie Captain America: Brave New World for its revival of the offensive character Sabra.

Why: The BBC posted an article highlighting the β€œgaunt” of a recently released Israeli hostage while leaving out any mention of the starvation forced upon the Gaza Strip. The BBC is funded by UK license payers and therefore must answer to the public for perpetuating such a misleading narrative.

Why: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created after the 2008 financial crisis to protect consumers from abuses by large finance institutions. Since its creation it has returned hundreds of millions of dollars stolen from Americans due to frauds, scams, pyramid schemes, and more. It remains an important tool in stopping abuses by those with capital.

Why: Trump’s mass deportation campaigns are starting all over the United States and there are already hundreds of reports of peoples rights being violated, citizens and immigrants alike. It is the duty of the community to combat these violations by arming ourselves and our neighbors with the knowledge necessary to protect ourselves.

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