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How We Win & How to Get Started | CC Dispatch #11

Over the last week, the readership of the Conscious Citizens has grown considerably from all around the world. Welcome to all of our new readers! Please check below for a link to our Discord server, if you haven’t gotten it already. We're so grateful to have you with us.

Organizing, mutual aid, and community have been some common words over the past few weeks as authoritarianism takes root all over the world. These are all great ideas, but how do they work to eventually change society and how does one even get started? We want to dive into that in this issue! If you are a more experienced activist or organizer, please feel free to share any experiences or lessons you’ve picked up along the way either in our Discord or the comments section of this dispatch on our website.

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Easy Actions to Take

📣 Boycott Alert!

  • Civil rights leaders have called a boycott against Target beginning 2/1
  • BDS Movement has called for a boycott against Cisco
  • Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel has called for a boycott against Berlinale Festival
  • International publishers have called for a boycott against the Frankfurt Book Fair

Why: Cisco is a multi-national information technology company who is directly complicit in the Gaza genocide. The BDS Movement has called for a boycott of Cisco by businesses and to pressure other institutions to remove support or divest from Cisco due to its relationship with Israel. CLICK HERE to use our email template.

Why: Elon Musk has purchased his way into the White House and now uses his influence to illegally access the data of millions of Americans’ social security, government payroll, and more. In the process he has locked out government workers from computer systems when they try to resist him. He is an unconfirmed and unelected person with seemingly no oversight which must be resisted at all levels. 

Why: Trump’s mass deportation campaigns are starting all over the United States and there are already hundreds of reports of peoples rights being violated, citizens and immigrants alike. It is the duty of the community to combat these violations by arming ourselves and our neighbors with the knowledge necessary to protect ourselves.

How the Italians Resisted Fascism

Revealing History

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