
Would you like to contribute your writing to the Conscious Citizens?

The Conscious Citizens is a community-forward project and we wish to incorporate perspectives from all over the world into our Dispatch. Anyone is welcome to contribute their writing for potential inclusion in the newsletter. While we do not guarantee that every contribution will be used in the Dispatch, we will review every contribution that we receive.

There are 5 types of segments that you can contribute to the Conscious Citizens. You can find examples of each of these segments in the various issues of our Dispatch.

  • Hidden History
    • 450 words max
    • Hidden History segments focus on historical events that are often left out of mainstream discourse or public education. Historical examples can be from anywhere in the world and would ideally include some lesson that is applicable in modern day, such as past examples of past civic campaigns that could inspire actions today.
  • People's Dictionary
    • 200 words max
    • People's Dictionary segments define relevant political or philosophical terms that help give language to the feelings or trends in current events. Examples include things like, "Hyper-Normalization", "Enshittification", or "Dead Internet Theory."
  • Connecting the Dots
    • 1000 words max
    • Connecting the Dots segments seek to make sense of the events happening around us. Topics can vary widely - some may be practical guides about changing minds, or about the strategies of the ruling class, or the importance of internationalism. In all cases, the goal is to allow us to zoom out from current events and offer a view of the larger picture.
    • Connecting the Dots segments should be well-researched and include all appropriate links / sources.
  • Artivism
    • 200 words max
    • Artivism segments highlight artists around the globe who are using their work to address inequalities and imagine better worlds. These can include any artist new and old, online and in the real world, who is using their work in interesting, innovative, or provocative ways to start real conversations.
By submitting your contribution to the Conscious Citizens, you are granting Little Wins Studio a global perpetual non-exclusive license to use your work in the Conscious Citizens and related promotional material.
You will retain full copyright ownership of your work.
We reserve the right to make any edits we deem necessary to contributions before publication.

The Conscious Citizens

A directory, newsletter and online global community dedicated to building collective consciousness & community power. Sign up for education, calls-to-action, art, community resources, and more.

The Conscious Citizens

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