⭐️ About
The Conscious Citizens is a directory, newsletter, and online global community dedicated to building collective consciousness & community power. We connect you to helpful independent education, art, tools and resources we need to put power back into the people’s hands.
Follow us on IG or get in touch.
We explore many issues in the West, particularly the US, and the connections they have to popular movements globally. We believe that understanding the international connections between our struggles is essential to building resilient communities.
🗂 The Directory
Updated on a regular basis, the website is a highly curated collection of political education and community care directory for essential knowledge, resources, tools, organizations and more needed to reclaim our personal and collective power–available to all readers. When you sign up, you'll also get commenting access to leave feedback, thoughts, and other helpful insights for the community to read.
🗞 The Newsletter
Every other Sunday (bi-weekly) receive our newsletter, "The Conscious Citizens Dispatch," where we thoughtfully write and curate a valuable collection of:
- Urgent & easy calls to action to take for the collective
- History left out by mainstream education
- Past organizing and protest campaigns we can learn from
- Artists addressing inequalities and imagining a new world
- Resources, tips, and strategies on how to build more resilient communities
Often we are made to feel that we have very little power to change society. While that might be true as individuals, we are genuinely unstoppable when united as a community. Politicians, billionaires, and rulers know this, which is why they enact policies and practices that scare and divide the people. The Dispatch is our way of guiding and empowering you to create a better world for all by reconnecting us to our history, imagination, community, and humanity.
To access the full dispatch archive, become a paid member for as little as $2/mo ($1 per issue / $24 yearly).
🌎 Global Discord Community
Sign up to get invited to our global community on Discord. This is how we'll keep in touch with each other in real time. We'll use this Discord as a home-base to share more knowledge, local resources, answer questions, commiserate, and connect with each other.
➕ Follow us on Instagram and Bluesky to get updates, shareable newsletter excerpts, and guidance on how to build a lifestyle that aligns with your values. All deeper community building will be done on our Discord channel.
🤝 Help Us Build This Thing!
We believe part of making the Conscious Citizens inclusive and accessible is giving our work away for free. Not guarding or hiding knowledge, resources & tools allows others to feel a sense of collective responsibility. If more people worked freely more often (with support from a network of like-minds), we’d quickly shift into different ways of valuing ourselves and one another – production, consumption, and destruction become care, community, and liberation for all.
To stay free, we need support and reciprocity from a group of like-minded people (like you!) to sustain us. The more support we get from our community, the more time we can to dedicate to making activism and community care more accessible to people around the world.
If you value what we've been sharing on the Conscious Citizens, consider becoming a paid member for as little as $2/mo ($1 per Dispatch issue / $24 yearly) or grabbing us a coffee.
What your reciprocity can help us do:
- Create more practical community guides
- Get resource curation support
- Improve the Conscious Citizens website
- Develop The Conscious Citizens Podcast
- Develop educational videos
- Develop and host digital & IRL community events
This project is exclusively funded by individual subscriptions. We do not receive funding from any government or organization, nor do we accept any payment for the placement of resources.
To build a better future you don't have to do everything, but you do need to do something.